Acceptance of the Term, Rules and Condition

• User upload goods when the standard and quality accepted by e-aro staff team.
• User should follow regulation and information as negotiate with client and service provide .
• User can interact with system and can request any service in systems.
• User should not fake or fluid and information during service in systems.
• User must pay when goods delivered basically with term and condition as agreed.
• Users Must Be Communicable (clients should able to interact within the systems).
• Users should be absolute or clear according to his or her needs (mode of operation).
• Users should be expressed in the good manner and polite language.
• Users should be in contact with the system till the deals or order are delivered.


we promise users or clients using our services will be reliable you can access the system 24/7, we promise our clients security and safety of their privacy, no one can use user’s information for the other issues, we are regulated and uses automated technology to check services of the system so that our clients are satisfied. copy right (stamps from lawyer and authorized institution)
This is deal with law so we shall search law script on this such as cosota, lawyer

Paid vs free posting

The platform of e-aro enable user to post free his or her product and can be viewed by buyer everywhere in Tanzania and worldwide. The buyer should be pay the cost of product, transport cost and fees as declared in system in which will contain all cost till your product delivered to you. Buyer can pay when good delivered or by using network transaction. Violation of term, Rules and Condition
The violation of term with intended reason such as to fake user information, fluid client information, misuse system for safe interest, hacking user information, bypass e-aro information to third part without e-aro authority and all illegal things basically with our Tanzania laws and enforcement. The all illegal should be punish base with Tanzania law and enforcement. contents


We enable commercial and social interactions among hundreds of millions of users, between consumers and merchants, and among businesses every day.

Work @e-aro

We empower our customers with the fundamental infrastructure for commerce and new technology, so that they can build businesses and create value that can be shared among our ecosystem participants.
When you provide content using our Services (directly or indirectly), you grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, sublicensable (through multiple tiers) right to exercise any and all Intellectual Property Rights you have in that content in connection with our provision, expansion, and promotion of our Services, in any media known now or developed in the future.
To the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, you waive your right to enforce your Intellectual Property Rights in that content against e-aro, our assignees, our sublicensees, and their assignees in connection with our, those assignees', and those sublicensees' use of that content in connection with our provision, expansion, and promotion of our Services.
You represent and warrant that, for all such content you provide, you own or otherwise control all necessary rights to do so and to meet your obligations under this User Agreement. You represent and warrant that such content is accurate. You represent and warrant that use of any such content (including derivative works) by us, our users, or others in contract with us, and in compliance with this User Agreement, does not and will not infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of any third party. e-aro takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any content provided by you or any third party. We offer product data (including images, descriptions and specifications) that are provided by third parties (including e-aro users). You may use that content solely in your e-aro listings. e-aro may modify or revoke that permission at any time in our sole discretion. The product data includes copyrighted, trademarked and other proprietary materials. You agree not to remove any copyright, proprietary, or identification markings in the product data and not to create any derivative works based on that data (other than by including the data in your listings). We try to offer reliable product data, but cannot promise that the content provided through our Services will always be available, accurate, complete, and up-to-date. You agree that e-aro is not responsible for examining or warranting the listings or content provided by third parties through our Services, and that you will not attempt to hold us or our data providers liable for inaccuracies. The name "e-aro" and other e-aro marks, logos, designs, and phrases that we use in connection with our Services are trademarks, service marks, or trade dress of e-aro in the united republic of Tanzania. and other countries. They may not be used without the express written prior permission of e-aro.

user conduct

in performing their job duties, e-aro employees should always act lawfully, ethically, and in the best interests of e-aro. this code of business conduct and ethics (the "code of conduct") sets out basic guiding principles. employees who are unsure whether their conduct or the conduct of their coworkers complies with the code of conduct should contact their manager or the legal department. employees may also report any suspected noncompliance as provided in the legal department's reporting guidelines referred to in paragraph ix below.
I. Compliance with Laws, Rules and Regulations Employees, customers must follow applicable laws, rules and regulations at all times. Customers, Employees with questions about the applicability or interpretation of any law, rule or regulation, should contact the Legal Department of the company
II. Conflicts of Interest In performing their job duties, customers, employees are expected to use their judgment to act, at all times and in all ways, in the best interests of e-aro. A "conflict of interest" exists when an employee's personal interest interferes with the best interests of e-aro. For example, a conflict of interest may occur when an employee or a family member receives a personal benefit as a result of the employee's position with e-aro. A conflict of interest may also arise from an employee's business or personal relationship with a customer, supplier, competitor, business partner, or other employee, if that relationship impairs the employee's objective business judgment. Because an employee's receipt of gifts or services could create a conflict of interest, the Legal Department will develop and maintain guidelines for disclosure of gifts or services received from customers, suppliers, competitors or business partners.
Employees or any customers should attempt to avoid conflicts of interest and employees who believe a conflict of interest may exist should promptly notify the Legal Department. The Legal Department will consider the facts and circumstances of the situation to decide whether corrective or mitigating action is appropriate.

Discrimination and Harassment

e-aro provides equal opportunity in all aspects of employment and will not tolerate any illegal discrimination or harassment of any kind. For more information, see the e-aro policies on Equal Employment Opportunity and Workplace Harassment in the e-aro Owner's Manual

Health and Safety

e-aro provides a clean, safe and healthy work environment. Each employee has responsibility for maintaining a safe and healthy workplace by following safety and health rules and practices and reporting accidents, injuries and unsafe conditions, procedures, or behaviour. Violence and threatening behaviour are not permitted. Employees must report to work in a condition to perform their duties, free from the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol

Termination of services (using e-aro system)

In connection with using or accessing our Services you agree to comply with this User Agreement, our policies, our terms, and all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, and you will not:
• post, list or upload content or items in inappropriate categories or areas on our sites;
• breach or circumvent any laws, regulations, third-party rights or our systems, Services, policies, or determinations of your account status;
• use our Services if you are not able to form legally binding contracts (for example, if you are under 18 years old), or are temporarily or indefinitely suspended from using our Services, or are a person with whom transactions are prohibited under economic or trade sanctions;
• fail to pay for items purchased by you, unless you have a valid reason as set out in an e-aro's policy, for example, the seller has materially changed the item's description after you bid, a clear typographical error is made, or you cannot contact the seller (see our Unpaid item policy);
• fail to deliver items sold by you, unless you have a valid reason as set out in an e-aro policy, for example, the buyer fails to comply with the posted terms in your listing or you cannot contact the buyer;
• manipulate the price of any item or interfere with any other user's listings;
• post false, inaccurate, misleading, deceptive, defamatory, or libellous content;
• take any action that may undermine the feedback or ratings systems (our Feedback policies);
• transfer your e-aro account (including Feedback) and user ID to another party without our consent;
• distribute or post spam, unsolicited or bulk electronic communications, chain letters, or pyramid schemes;
• distribute viruses or any other technologies that may harm e-aro or the interests or property of users;
• use any robot, spider, scraper, data mining tools, data gathering and extraction tools, or other automated means to access our Services for any purpose, except with the prior express permission of e-aro;
• interfere with the functioning of our Services, such as by imposing an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure;
• export or re-export any e-aro application or tool, except in compliance with the export control laws, and rules and policies of any relevant jurisdictions;
• infringe the copyright, trademark, patent, publicity, moral, database, and/or other intellectual property rights (collectively, "Intellectual Property Rights") that belong to or are licensed to e-aro. Some, but not all, actions that may constitute infringement are reproducing, performing, displaying, distributing, copying, reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling, or preparing derivative works from content that belongs to e-aro or someone else;
• infringe any Intellectual Property Rights that belong to third parties affected by your use of our Services or post content that does not belong to you;
• commercialize any e-aro application or any information or software associated with such application, except with the prior express permission of e-aro;
• harvest or otherwise collect information about users without their consent; or
• circumvent any technical measures used to provide our Services.
Sellers must meet e-aro minimum performance standards. Failure to meet these standards may result in e-aro charging you additional fees, and/or limiting, restricting, suspending, or downgrading your seller account. If we believe you are abusing e-aro and/or our Services in any way, we may, in our sole discretion and without limiting other remedies, limit, suspend, or terminate your user account(s) and access to our Services, delay or remove hosted content, remove any special status associated with your account(s), remove, not display, and/or demote listings, reduce or eliminate any discounts, and take technical and/or legal steps to prevent you from using our Services. If we believe you are violating our policies prohibiting Offers to buy or sell outside of e-aro, you may be subject to a range of actions, including limits on your buying and selling privileges, restrictions on listings and account features, suspension of your account, application of fees, and recovery of expenses for policy monitoring and enforcement. If you are a seller and you offer or reference your contact information or ask a buyer for their contact information in the context of e-aro, you may be liable to pay a final value fee applicable to that item, even if the item does not sell. We may cancel unconfirmed accounts or accounts that have been inactive for a substantial period of time. Additionally, we reserve the right to refuse, modify, or terminate all or part of our Services to anyone for any reason at our discretion.

limitation on services

• use our Services if you are not able to form legally binding contracts (for example, if you are under 18 years old), or are temporarily or indefinitely suspended from using our Services, or are a person with whom transactions are prohibited under economic or trade sanctions; • post, list or upload content or items in inappropriate categories or areas on our sites; • post false, inaccurate, misleading, deceptive, defamatory, or libellous content;

Disclaimer of Warranties; Limitation of Liability

We try to keep our Services safe, secure, and functioning properly, but we cannot guarantee the continuous operation of or access to our Services. Bid update and other notification functionality in e-aro applications may not occur in real time. Such functionality is subject to delays beyond e-aro control. You agree that you are making use of our Services at your own risk, and that they are being provided to you on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis. Accordingly, to the extent permitted by applicable law, we exclude all express or implied warranties, terms and conditions including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. In addition, to the extent permitted by applicable law, in no event will e-aro (including our parent, subsidiaries, and affiliates, and our and their officers, directors, agents and employees) be liable to you or any third party under any claim at law or in equity for any consequential damages or losses (including, but not limited to, loss of money, goodwill or reputation, profits, other intangible losses, or any special, indirect, or consequential damages), and all such damages or losses are expressly excluded by this agreement whether or not they were foreseeable or e-aro was advised of such damages or losses. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, we (including our parent, subsidiaries, and affiliates, and our and their officers, directors, agents and employees) are not liable, and you agree not to hold us responsible, for any damages or losses (including, but not limited to, loss of money, goodwill or reputation, profits, other intangible losses, or any special, indirect, or consequential damages) resulting directly or indirectly from:
• the content you provide (directly or indirectly) using our Services;
• your use of or your inability to use our Services;
• pricing, shipping, format, or other guidance provided by e-aro
• delays or disruptions in our Services;
• viruses or other malicious software obtained by accessing or linking to our Services;
• glitches, bugs, errors, or inaccuracies of any kind in our Services;
• damage to your hardware device from the use of any e-aro Service;
• the content, actions, or inactions of third parties, including items listed using our Services or the destruction of allegedly fake items;
• a suspension or other action taken with respect to your account or breach of the Abusing e-aro Section above;
• the duration or manner in which your listings appear in search results as set out in the Listing Conditions Section above; or
• your need to modify practices, content, or behavior, or your loss of or inability to do business, as a result of changes to this User Agreement or our policies

General Information

Except as otherwise provided in this User Agreement, if any provision of this User Agreement is held to be invalid, void or for any reason unenforceable, such provision shall be struck out and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions. In our sole discretion, we may assign this User Agreement, and in such event, we will post notice on our website. Headings are for reference purposes only and do not limit the scope or extent of such Section. Our failure to act with respect to a breach by you or others does not waive our right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches. We do not guarantee we will act against all breaches of this User Agreement. We may amend this User Agreement at any time by posting the amended terms on www.e-aro. Our right to amend the User Agreement includes the right to modify, add to, or remove terms in the User Agreement. We will provide you 30 days' notice by posting the amended terms. Additionally, we will notify you through the e-aro Message Center and/or by email. Your continued access or use of our Services constitutes your acceptance of the amended terms. We may also ask you to acknowledge your acceptance of the User Agreement through an electronic click-through. This User Agreement may not otherwise be amended except through mutual agreement by you and an e-aro representative who intends to amend this User Agreement and is duly authorized to agree to such an amendment. Without limiting e-aro ability to refuse, modify, or terminate all or part of our Services, e-aro may also terminate this Agreement with anyone at any time for any reason, at our sole discretion, by giving notice of such termination. The policies and terms posted on our Services may be changed from time to time. Changes take effect when we post them on the e-aro Service. If you create or use an account on behalf of a business entity, you represent that you are authorized to act on behalf of such business and bind the business to this User Agreement. Such account is owned and controlled by the business entity. No agency, partnership, joint venture, employee-employer or franchiser-franchisee relationship is intended or created by this User Agreement. The User Agreement and all terms and polices posted through our Services set forth the entire understanding and agreement between you and e-aro, and supersede all prior understandings and agreements of the parties.

Policy Enforcement

When a buyer or seller issue arises, we may consider the user's performance history and the specific circumstances in applying our policies. We may choose to be more lenient with policy enforcement in an effort to do the right thing for both buyers and sellers. The foregoing does not limit or impair our right to refuse, modify, or terminate all or part of our Services to anyone, or to terminate this agreement with anyone, for any reason at our discretion.

Privacy of others in e-aro

If e-aro will not provide you with information about user, unless for legal issues and must agree to use the information only for the purposes that it is provided to you. You may not disclose, sell, rent, or distribute a user's information to a third party for purposes unrelated to our Services. Additionally, you may not use user information for marketing purposes, via electronic or other means, unless you obtain the consent of the specific user to do so.

e-aro Money Back Guarantee

Most e-aro sales go smoothly, but if there's a problem with a purchase, the e-aro Money Back Guarantee helps buyers and sellers communicate and resolve issues. You agree to comply with the policy and permit us to make a final decision on any e-aro Money Back Guarantee case. If you (as seller), choose to reimburse a buyer, or are required to reimburse a buyer or e-aro under the e-aro Money Back Guarantee, you authorize e-aro to request that PayPal remove the reimbursement amount (in same or other currency) from your PayPal account, place the amount on your invoice, and/or charge your payment method on file. If we cannot get reimbursement from you, we may collect the outstanding sums using other collection mechanisms, including retaining collection agencies. We may suspend the e-aro money guarantee in whole or in part without notice if we suspect abuse or interference with the proper working of the policy


You will indemnify and hold us (including our affiliates and subsidiaries, as well as our and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents) harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable legal fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your breach of this User Agreement, your improper use of our Services or your breach of any law or the rights of a third party.

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